Researches and projects
srijeda, 22. maj 2019.
Erasmus + : Be ready for European values
Centre for Monitoring and Research CEMI in cooperation with partners: the University of Donja Gorica, Art Communications from Podgorica, Centre for International Studies from Croatia and Centre for European Perspective from Slovenia, implements a two-year project called “Be ready for EU values.” The project is supported by the European Commission within the program Erasmus Plus (call KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Youth Capacity Building – Western Balkans).
BREV project (Be ready for EU values) aims to foster cooperation and exchange of experience between young people from Montenegro and EU countries through the promotion of European values among young people in Montenegro. These values will be reflected through the improvement of quality of youth work and non-formal education, youth active participation in social, economic and political development of Montenegro and encouragement of cooperation and exchange of experience with EU countries.
The target groups of project are young people, representatives of student and youth organizations, students and pupils, non-governmental organizations dealing with youth issues, local and national authorities, as well as the entire society. The vision of this project is to create an environment in Montenegro in which young people actively participate in society and have a quality formal and informal education that will lead them to secure employment and encourage them to seek independence.
This project will be realized through the implementation of numerous activities. At the beginning of the year meetings with stakeholders will be held in order to leverage public policy objectives with activities of the project. It is envisaged organization of four workshops and four international schools within topics related to human rights and democracy in the EU, EU citizenship, achieving the necessary knowledge and skills for young people, non-formal and sustainable education system, entrepreneurial ideas of young people in the EU, economic and social rights, as well as the education of young people in line with labor market needs will be processed. The project envisages the exchange of best practices among Montenegrin youth and young people from neighboring EU member states, which will be implemented through two study visits to Croatia and Slovenia.
A network of student organizations and all relevant organizations at the national level will act as a National Youth Council which operates on the whole territory of Montenegro. The network will consist young active citizens who participate in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluations of youth policy in Montenegro. Youth Network of Montenegro will develop public policy for young people through information, advocacy, thematic networking, international cooperation, support of development of youth organizations and partnerships with government institutions and local organizations operating in the territory of entire Montenegro.
Quality control and monitoring (QCM) project activities will be implemented continuously throughout the project and will be conducted at multiple levels.
You can monitor implementation of the project Be ready for EU values on the official web site .
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