Researches and projects

petak, 6. oktobar 2023.

Competency Training in IoT and AI-InnovateYourFuture: Empower Students with Competences and Skills

The breakthrough in AI is on an accelerated development path, and has been further propelled by innovations in other frontier technologies, including cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, and virtual reality. As a convergence of a widening spectrum of frontier technologies, AI has garnered the potential to bring new possibilities for global development and societal change. An increasing number of jobs are today related to the IoT and AI. Universities around the globe are therefore catching up delivering compelling courses to allow students to be prepared to today and future need of IoT and AI competences. Among those, the interdisciplinary of IoT and AI allows for new forms of participation in computing; while applicability of IoT inventions to solve problems that are common in students’ daily lives might facilitates students’ motivations in taking the subject.

Strategy predicted in vision 2024. digital Montenegro with the use of advanced information and communications technology (ICT) solutions in all sectors of the economy and developed IT awareness that enables dynamic and proactive access to new and innovative technologies. Existing Focal areas and technologies are telecommunications and software engineering. Further development activities and identified potential in the Strategy are: new generation communication technologies, internet of things, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), 3D technologies (3d printing), digital transformation (enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, e-commerce, financial technologies, etc.), blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, big data, cloud – services, security of information systems, smart technologies, green ICT. Yet, teaching IoT and AI topics is a challenging task due to complexity and unstructured nature of the IoT. It requires to deliver skills in multiple domains including design, hardware and software engineering and it is often hard to find an entry point to the field.

Within this project the main aim is to stimulate students’ curiosity in IoT and AI subjects and to prepare for possible future professional career paths, to build their digital skills and to apply their gained knowledge in daily life and a larger real-world context. Only by providing quality education and by using a variety of formal, informal and non-formal innovative educational tools, teachers will be able to provide students relevant opportunities to build their digital skills.