Eight IDEALAND – Business ideas exchange market
Traditionally, on May 9th (Europe Day), UDG organizes Business ideas exchange market. Business ideas exchange market is place where the “Supply” and “Demand” encounter. On the „Supply” side can be your ideas, which can be licitated by the “demand”, represented by companies and institutions willing to invest in new business ideas. Depending on the quality of ideas, which should present synergy of your courage and creativity, the best 11 will have the opportunity to be presented to the "demand" on the Day of Europe - May 09, 2018. Traditionally, after the presentation comes quotation for the ideas. The best 30 ideas will also be presented in the eight edition of the book "Book of ideas." It is important to emphasize that the book carries the message that the burden of success lies not only within the best 11 ideas, but in many other great ideas, in which the representatives of the "demand" will also be able to invest even though the ideas itself will not be presented. UDG, as the initiator of the competitions based on the rules of fair, open-market competitions, once again opens the call for high school and university students from both, Montenegro and Europe, until April, 15th 2018. You can apply via this website.