
nedjelja, 21. februar 2016.

Ambassador of Canada gave a lecture to the students on the impact of social networks on internationa

University of Donja Gorica had the honor to host His Excellency, the Ambassador of Canada for Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia, Philip Pennington. The presentation referred to the impact of the information and communication technologies on diplomatic relations. „Information and communication technology deleting boundaries“ is the message that left a special impression on those present.

The fact is that social networks play a great role in forming public opinion. For example, Barack Obama is the most followed world leader on Twitter, but Papa Franciscus, regardless of the fact that he takes second place, has a much greater impact thanks to the tweets on his Twitter account – said the ambassador.

The Ambassador also thinks that statements of political leaders via social networks have very positive effect on the foreign policy of many countries. Thus, a various activities can be found on the sites of the Canadian Embassies. When it comes to the promotion of the objectives of Canadian foreign policy, it takes into account the use of both official languages in Canada, as well as of local languages in the countries where embassies are located.

To the student’s question: "How many Canadians have heard about Montenegro and have they ever talked about Montenegro?” the Ambassador answered that Canadians are not very familiar with Montenegro, but Porto Montenegro is a good example for the promotion of Montenegro, and the film Casino Royal have made a positive contribution to their meeting with Montenegro.