
petak, 6. septembar 2024.

Activities within the Horizon EU Project "STECCI"

As part of the "STECCI" project, a team from Heritage Malta, in collaboration with representatives from the University of Donja Gorica, conducted a significant field activity in Zabljak from August 6 to 10, 2024. This activity was carried out in accordance with Task 4.2 under Work Package 4 (WP 4) of the project, which focuses on the digitalization of cultural heritage using advanced technological methods.


The fieldwork took place in the areas of Zugica Bare and near Riblje Lake in Zabljak, where the research teams conducted a series of recordings and photographs of stecci. The team from Heritage Malta, consisting of Jacob Saliba, Francesco Vello, and Aaron Cole, along with Aleksandra Gogic and Vedran Pean from the University of Donja Gorica, employed advanced digitalization methods to create precise and high-quality digital models of the sites and artifacts.


Task 4.2 under Work Package 4 (WP 4) encompasses the following key activities:


  • Aerial Photogrammetry: This technique was used to create a georeferenced 3D model of the entire site. Aerial photogrammetry allows for detailed aerial imaging of the terrain, providing an accurate representation of the site and enabling a better understanding of its characteristics. This 3D model will serve as a foundation for further analysis and research, allowing individual artifacts to be used as reference points.
  • 3D Scanning of Artifacts: Within this activity, the team used various 3D scanning methods, including photogrammetry and LiDAR technology, to meticulously document the artifacts at each site. This method enables the creation of highly accurate digital replicas of the artifacts, which will be available for further research and analysis. Additionally, developing a predefined methodology for selecting and scanning artifacts is one of the important outcomes of the project.


All collected data will be processed during the post-processing phase in the Heritage Malta laboratories, where digital 3D models of the sites and artifacts will be developed. These models will be made available online via the project platform, allowing the general public, researchers, and experts to explore and study the digitized data.


The main repository for individual artifacts will be the 3D publishing platform Sketchfab, which offers ideal conditions for hosting such types of data. The availability of digital models on this platform will enable global access and promote further research and promotion of the cultural heritage of the Balkans.

This activity represents an important step in achieving the objectives of the "STECCI" project, focusing on the preservation, research, and promotion of cultural heritage through innovative digital technologies.


Link for video