Faculty for Food Technology, Food Safety and Ecology
Faculty for Food Technology, Food Safety and Ecology
https://fptbhe.udg.edu.me/Faculty for Food Technology, Food Safety and Ecology was founded in 2012, and the first generation has 30 students.

This Faculty was created as a result of the fact that the food availability is a global problem (according to FAO and WHO, around 1,2 billion people around the world suffer from hunger and/or undernourishment). At the same time, there has been a dynamic development of food industry in Montenegro during the last ten years. All of this points towards deficiency in cadre and the need for improvement of knowledge in all the areas that are directly or indirectly linked to the whole food production chain. Here, the focus is primarily on the production process of different agricultural food items, hotel, restaurant and catering complexes (especially in the context of tourism offer development), hygiene and sanitary aspects of working conditions as well as environmental issues (especially considering Montenegro as an ecological state).

On the other side, the current global trends and developmental megatrends indicate the need for observing all the mentioned fields from the aspect of protection of nature and the environment, with optimal development and improvement of energy efficiency. In other words, contemporary experts – engineers – have to have responsibilities and considerations towards ecological standards and energy efficiency standards.
Additional value and quality of teaching plans and programs of the Faculty for Food Technology, Food Safety and Ecology, as is the case of other faculties at the UDG, is development of problem solving capacities based on the understanding of the essential issues and achievement of the full competencies of engineers in food production technologies, management of food safety and quality, respect for environmental aspects in the whole food production chain. The aim is to develop the existing education to a maximum level that optimally harmonises all the current competence requirements, which are encountered in everyday life.

Dean: Ph.D. Prof. Vesna Maras