Faculty of International Economics, Finance and Business
Faculty of International Economics, Finance and Business
https://fmefb.udg.edu.me/UDG was founded in 2007 as the result of entreprenurial idea which was developed over the years by two ditinguished university professors, Veselin Vukotic and Dragan Vukcevic.
UDG currently offers undergraduate studies at five faculties: the Faculty of International Economics, Finance and Business; the Faculty of Law; the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, the Faculty of Arts, and the Humanities.

Besides these undergraduate programs, UDG also offers Specialist and Master programs: Faculty of International Economics Finance and Business Programs for 2010/2011. are:
1. Entrepreneurial Economy with department (IV, V year)
- International Economics and Finance;
- Accounting, Finance, Insurance;
- International Management and Business;
- Financial markets and Corporate Governance;
2. Economy and Economic Policy of the European Union (IV, V year);
3. Insurance (IV, V year);
4. Environmental Management (IV, V year);
5. Properties - Consulting, Engineering, Investment and Business Development.
Faculty of Law:
- Civil Law Master's Program;
- European Union Law;
- Criminal Justice Master's Program;
- International Relations.
Humanities study:
- Security and policy;
- Women's Studies;
- American Studies.
We also plan to develop and implement curriculum for doctoral studies in the near future, which completes the 3 cycle of education.
University UDG, has the most modern university building with excellent conditions not only for learning but also for teaching and research. Strategic goal of education process is to increase the quality of students’ knowledge and to promote international reputation of our school. Key principles that UDG follows in order to achieve this strategic goal are based on contemporary and practical knowledge, flexibility, interdisciplinary courses, and individualism. In accordance with this idea, all programs within UDG provide freedom of choice to students, with possibility to take classes at different faculties during the course of study. A strong emphasis is put on motivating students, encouraging them, and building both their knowledge and character, thus students are very involved not only through lectures but also through various projects, tutorials, presentations, internships, and sports activities. Even though UDG was founded in recent years, it has already established significant international cooperation. We have agreements and cooperation with many international universities, as well as companies. The most important among them is cooperation with Munk Center of the University of Toronto, thanks to which around 50 students had opportunity to spend few weeks in Toronto. They had opportunity not only to learn English language but also to meet with very successful Canadian businessmen. Moreover, our students attend many summer schools, seminars and conferences around Europe. Furthermore, UDG students are interns in companies both in Montenegro and abroad, including companies in Spain, Tunisia, Slovenia, Croatia, UK etc.
All programs at UDG are designed according to the principles of the Bologna Declaration, which ensures student mobility, international recognition of diplomas, as well as the possibility of partial independent profiling of the programs through a wide range of elective courses, in accordance with personal affinities and interests.
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