
ponedjeljak, 12. novembar 2018.

Solemn Graduation ceremony was held at UDG

On Sunday, 11.11.2018, a solemn Graduation ceremony was held at University of Donja Gorica. November 11th is The Day of UDG, when all students of UDG who got their Bachelor, Master of Science or PhD titles get awarded a diploma. This year, 296 students from 10 faculties (out of 12) and 15 study programs gained their Bachelor of Science degree. Number of students who successfully completed their Master of Science level is 187 (out of which 152 of them became Specialists and 35 of them became Master of Science). During the academic year of 2017/18, 10 students of UDG got their PhD title. Special guests of this ceremony were Mr. Osama Makkawa Koghali, UNICEF representative in Montenegro and H.E, Ambassador of Italy to Montenegro, Mr. Luca Zelioli, who awarded laureates to the best students of UDG and diplomas to students who got their PhD degrees in previous academic year. Keynote speech was given by rector of UDG, Professor Veselin Vukotic. Besides Rector of UDG, the first graduate student of UDG who completed his PhD studies at Masdar Institute of Science Technology, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, Mr. Armin Alibasic addressed the audience, as well as Victor Tian, student of Beijing Union University from China, an exchange student at a study program International Hospitality and Management, working under the franchise of the best school in the field, Vatel from France. Attached you may find Rector’s speech, both in Montenegrin and English language.