
nedjelja, 10. decembar 2017.

Predavanje Maris Tebecis

U ponedjeljak, 11. decembra, s početkom u 12 h, u amfiteatru AS, Maris Tebecis (Second Secretary, Australian Embassy Belgrade) održaće gostujuće predavanje na temu: Young people engaging in human rights, - Why governments find human rights so difficult to deal with and  - Role of institutions/systems in human rights. Ovo predavanje, koje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku, rezultat je uspješne saradnje Fakulteta pravnih nauka I NVO Građanska alijansa. U opširnijoj verziji novosti možete pronaći biografiju govornika.  

Maris Tebecis is Second Secretary at the Australian Embassy Belgrade, working on political and economic affairs for Serbia, Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.  Maris began in the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 2013 and has worked on innovation, Vietnam and climate change issues.  Graduating from the Australian National University in both commerce and science, Maris also undertook study and research programs at the University of Cambridge, the University of California Berkeley and the University of Tokyo.