
utorak, 17. oktobar 2023.


Kroz projekat obezbijeđena je podrška za najmanje 10 studentskih timova i to kroz:

- Mentorsku podršku i monitoring

- Učešće na ljetnoj školi i konferencijama organizovanim u CG i'ili regionu

- Kontinuiranu saradnju sa profesorima i inovatorima iz partnerskih institucija iz Evropske unije:

Kroz projekat obezbijeđena je podrška za najmanje 10 studentskih timova i to kroz: 


- Mentorsku podršku i monitoring 

- Učešće na ljetnoj školi i konferencijama organizovanim u CG i'ili regionu

- Kontinuiranu saradnju sa profesorima i inovatorima iz partnerskih institucija iz Evropske unije: 


  • Hochschule Furtwangen University (Njemačka) 
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Mađarska) 
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Grčka) 
  • ARCTUR (Slovenija) 
  • Comtrade System Integration (Srbija)  

-Podsticaj najboljim timovima za dalji razvoj.

Prioritetne oblasti u okviru kojih trebaju biti ideje su medicina i poljoprivreda, ali i druge oblasti iz S3 strategije pametne specijalizacije. 


Studentski timovi su obavezno multidisciplinarni (optimalni broj od 3-5 studenata) se mogu prijaviti slanjem aplikacione forme iz priloga na mail dignest.udg@gmail.com


Prijavljivanje se može izvršiti najkasnije do 30.10.2023

Spisak ideja koje su odabrane za podršku u prethodnom pozivu:

Emergency help -  application that contains all notifications and information about the urgent need to donate blood
Dangerous animals detection - Real-time detection of animal species living in Montenegro, using deep learning based on thermal (infrared) camera images
Enjoying and Health -  "SMART bracelet", which will enable tourists on cruise ships to have a safer stay in terms of health
Valley of Peace - New recycled products 
Multi-parameter pond instrument 
Enva solution - smart farm (primarily automated greenhouse) which will enable farmers to monitor important data and control watering
Smart farming - Application that monitors key indicators for better performance of resource management.
From the „river basins” to the Global IntErO - analyzing and forecasting of erosion processes and catchment sediment yield under past and present land use and future climate scenarios. 
City Hunt - mobile application that aims to motivate and raise awareness about the importance of physical activity
Seed - mobile application that aims to monitor the conditions for the growth and development of plants
Smart-Agri-Pest - pheromone attractive traps in fields that could capture insects (pests) and also count their number or concentration
Biodigestor - tank that allows the biodegradation process to take place in a natural way and the collection of all substances and gases that arise
AD SolarSeed - solar agricultural farm
RareDiseasesApp - Application for community of rare diseases patients
HealMeal - Application for proper nutrition
GeoCattle - geolocation of cattle and notification about the movement
App for Caregivers - GPS locating of the nursing team
Wine Community - Application as a community for wine producers
Psihotherapy Chatbot - AI as therapist
CattleSurveilanceDrone - Drone monitoring the cattle
iPlant - smart plant pot
FoodShare - Website for sharing leftovers of food