Aktuelno na fakultetu
Drugi popravni rok - septembar 2023

Drugi popravni rok na RPS će biti organizovan u periodu između 01. 09. i 20. 09. 2023. godine. 
Predaja specijalističkih i magistarskih radova

Termin za predaju specijalističkih i magistarskih radova koji će biti branjeni u jun/jul 2023. godine će biti 10, 11, 12, i 15. maja 2023. godine od 12h do 14h u kancelariji Postdiplomskih studija (II sprat).

Rok za slanje saglasnosti mentora na finalnu verziju radova je do 2. maja 2023. godine do 12h.

Raspored ispita

Postavljen je raspored ispita u redovnom i popravnom roku u toku zimskog semestra studijske 2022/23. godine na Renesansnim postdiplomskim studjama.

Raspored ispita na RPS možete naći u dijelu Download/za studente.  
dr Ivana Petrović
Kontakt: iivaanaa@gmail.com
Status: Vanredni profesor

Passionate advocate of scientist - practitioner - humanist approach in work / occupational / organizational psychology, experienced in teaching, academic and applied research and consulting.

Courses: Psychology of Groups and Organization, Consumer Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Consumer Behavior, Social Marketing to Protect Environment.

Ph.D. in Psychology (2007), B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade.

Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Department of Psychology (since 1999), undergraduate, master and PhD level courses.

Teaching & training experience

Twenty years of university teaching experience (work and organizational psychology, human resources management, consumer behaviour, consumer research and marketing communications) and professional training (development and use of tests for knowledge assessment, sales, management, event planning). TEMPUS Projects, University of Belgrade - EdLead, Educational Leadership; Master studies in Business Management and Entrepreneurial Management.

Recent research topics

Psychological contract, employability, candidate perspective in personnel selection (, perceived justice, job posting, job interview), workplace bullying, Job Demands Resources Model (work engagement, job crafting, emotional reactions to work), trait emotional intelligence, older employees, ageism, career, voluntary blood donation, and doctor - patient communication.