Aktuelno na fakultetu
Drugi popravni rok - septembar 2023

Drugi popravni rok na RPS će biti organizovan u periodu između 01. 09. i 20. 09. 2023. godine. 
Predaja specijalističkih i magistarskih radova

Termin za predaju specijalističkih i magistarskih radova koji će biti branjeni u jun/jul 2023. godine će biti 10, 11, 12, i 15. maja 2023. godine od 12h do 14h u kancelariji Postdiplomskih studija (II sprat).

Rok za slanje saglasnosti mentora na finalnu verziju radova je do 2. maja 2023. godine do 12h.

Raspored ispita

Postavljen je raspored ispita u redovnom i popravnom roku u toku zimskog semestra studijske 2022/23. godine na Renesansnim postdiplomskim studjama.

Raspored ispita na RPS možete naći u dijelu Download/za studente.  
dr Enrico Colombatto
Kontakt: enrico_colombatto@hotmail.com
Status: Redovni profesor

Enrico Colombatto was born in Turin on July 16, 1954. He is married, and has three children.
Enrico Colombatto is Professor of Economics at the University of Turin, where he teaches Microeconomics and Economic Policy. He is the Director of one of Italy's leading research institutes, the International Centre for Economic Research (ICER), and a Fellow at the Collegio Carlo Alberto (Turin). His present research interests cover the economics of growth, develop¬ment and transition from an institutional viewpoint.
Present positions:
* Professor of Economics, School of Economics, University of Turin
* Director of the International Centre for Economic Research (ICER), Turin
* Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin

Other positions and affiliations:
- Member of the Scientific Committe of CLEI - Inter-university Center for Comparative Law and Economics, Law & Economics and Economics of Institutions (since 2003, Head of the Committee 2003-2006).
- Member of the Council of Public Policy, Munich and Berlin (since 2001)
- Member of the Board of IREF - Institut de Recherches Economiques et Fiscales (since 2002)
- Member of the Academic Advisory Council, Centre for the New Europe, Brussels (since 2003)
- Adjoint Scholar to the Mises Institute, Auburn (since 2003)
- Member of the Board of Advisors, Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation, Independent Institute, Oakland, Ca. (since 2005)
- Adjunct Scholar to the Centre for the Rule of Law (since 2005)
- Member of the Advisory Council, Global Finance Forum, Switzerland (since 2006)

* Laurea in Economia e Commercio (Univ. of Turin, 1977)
* M.Sc. Econ. (London School of Economics, 1978)
* Ph.D. Econ.(London School of Economics, 1983)

Courses taught now or in the recent past:
* Politica Economica (8 crediti/60 ore) - (Testi di esame) (Avvisi e ricevimento)
* Economia dell'innovazione (5 crediti/35 ore) (Avvisi e ricevimento)
* Politica Economica (5 crediti/35 ore)
* Economia dell'Ambiente (5 crediti/35 ore)
* Microeconomia I (60 ore)
* Managerial Economics (40 hours)
* The Economics of Growth, Development and Transition (20 hours)
* Issues in International Economics (20 hours)
* International Trade Theory and Policy (35 hours)
* International Monetary Policy (35 hours)
Positions held (since 2000):
- Member of the Scientific Committee of CORIPE (post-graduate studies in economics, Univ. of Torino), 1990-2002.
- Member of the Mont-Pèlerin Society, 1994-2005.
- Member of the Scientific Council, Institut Turgot, Paris (2001-2005)
- Member of the Academic Advisory Board, von Hayek Institut - the International Institute "Austrian School of Economics", Vienna, (1996-2002).
- Head of the Department of Economics and Public Finance, School of Economics, University of Turin (2000-2005)
- Visiting Professor, Institute of Governmental Affairs, University of California at Davis (2000).
- John M. Olin Fellow/Scholar in Law and Economics, Cornell University (1994, 1996-1999, 2002).
- Visiting Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto (Ll.M. and J.D. programmes - "The Economics of Development and Transition"), (2001/2002, 2002/2003)
- Visiting Professor (1998-2007) and Vice President of the Council for Graduate Studies, Podgorica University, Rep. of Montenegro (1998-2004).
- Membre du Jury d'Agrégation - Sciences Economiques, Paris (2003/2004)
- Guest Professor at the Université de Reims, Faculté de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (Ph.D. Programme - "Les Institutions du marché") (1998/99, 1999/2000, 2004/05).
- Guest Professor at LUISS, Rome (from 2003/2004 to 2007/2008).
- Guest Professor at Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II (from 2004/2005 to 2007/2008).
- Guest Professor at the University of Aix-Marseille III, 1999/2000, 2002/2003, 2005/2006 (Ph.D. Program - "Institutions and Development").
- Guest Professor at the University of Prague (2006/2007)

- Associate Editor of the 'Journal of Libertarian Studies'; International Advisory Editor of the 'Journal of Bioeconomics'; Member of the Editorial Board of the 'Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice' and of the 'Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines'; Member of the Scientific Committee of the 'Revue Economique' and of 'Procesos de Mercado: Revista Europea de Economía Política'; Member of the Advisory Board of 'New Perspectives on Political Economy'.
